You are divine. Are you? The righteous path is the greatest thing everybody wishes for in the whole world. I am still working the way to that.
The Major problem we facing right now and it is making the whole world to be confused is the idea of RELIGION. This is a diseases that is penetrating through the bones of innocent and newly born Sons and Daughters of GOD.
There is no real thing in defining which kind of church you are going too. This is a great issue and it really "sucks".
This has made me to think of something and here it is. Are you ready for it?
I hope you have understood the meaning of the above statement. I urge those close friends that we have got to take care of what is going on churches especially in this era where there are funny thing that are happening in churches.
- Some few years back The Anglican Church presented themselves as GAY.
- In Uganda recently too there occured an incidence that really shocked people, A visiting PASTOR was caught with electric gadget thought to be used during service to shock people so that THE MASS can applaude and talk how the pastor is really "STRONG". This is not a laughing matter.
- One of the most adored churches, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. There are a lot of things that are 'biting' peoples' heads. The Rosary, The Haille Holy Mary's stature.
There are a lot of things that religion can lead and nowadays it affects some kinds of governments and this can be traced back in 1800 years where King Henry was pushing that everybody was to be of his religion. Can that really happen? Only God knows.
Therefore I urge you my brothers and sisters, what matters is your HEART'S submission and what it carries.
Pray hard for your heart and the hearts of the lost sheep
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